Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Kid Eats Better Than I Do!

Perhaps I sit alone in this boat, but my son's eating habits are far better than my own. And believe me, I am not complaining! When I got pregnant, I made the choice to really improve my nutrition for the sake of my growing baby. I breastfed as much as I could from birth up until he weaned himself at 13 months. When he began eating solids, I made my own baby food for him, and only fed him organic baby food/snacks with no additives/preservatives when I did store buy it occasionally. He didn't even taste refined sugar until he was around 1 year old (obviously with his b-day cake).

Now, as an 18 month old, his eating habits are inspiring. He's a bit thin due to his high activity level and low fat/sugar diet, but he's as healthy as they come, and is setting up great habits for life. For examples, he happily eats lettuce with no dressing. He loves to eat fresh tomatoes and cucumbers as finger food. Of course he indulges in french fries and less healthy foods occassionally when we are at a restaurant. Now, he'll sometimes turn down ice cream in favor of strawberries. It's remarkable to me, as I see other moms prying chicken nuggets out of their kids' fingers, and others stuffing them into them.

Here is a typical day of food for my little one.

  • Breakfast- Cheerios or corn flakes and fresh fruit like strawberries, blueberries, and bananas

  • Morning snack- crackers and/or more fruit

  • Lunch- ham/turkey and cheese sandwich or roll-ups (piece of cheese rolled up in a meat slice)

  • Afternoon snack- Gerber Yogurt Melts, whole grain Goldfish, or Cheerios

  • Dinner- whatever we have, typically a meat, pasta (or other grain), and vegetables (asparagus are his favorite vegetable)

  • Dessert- a few bites of ice cream or a couple small cookies, sometimes more fruit

To me, that diet sounds pretty healthy, especially compared to the diets of other 1 1/2 year olds that we meet here and there. People are always blown away as they watch him chomp happily into a slice of raw onion or scarf undressed salad. I don't know if he's just a healthy eater or if it all has to do with how I fed him as a younger baby. Either way, I like it! How do your kids eat?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Infant Essentials

My first child will be turning 2 in a few short months. Reflecting, I've been thinking about all of the money we've wasted, and what I will do differently with our next baby. The following is based on my opinion and experiences only; everyone's needs will be different I'm sure. This is a list of which infant products I found necessary, and which were rather a waste of money.

Sleep Products

  • Bassinet- This one is a toss up. We used ours every night. But with him sleeping in the room with us in his bassinet, he woke up every time we stirred. This led ultimately to moving the bassinet into the hallway, and then switching him to his crib at 3 months. I wonder if it wouldn't have been easier just to cosleep for breastfeeding's sake, then switch him to a crib as he began to sleep longer stretches.

  • Receiving blankets- Definitely a waste of money for us. Our son was such an active sleeper that he kicked out of our tightest swaddles.

  • SwaddleMe Infant Wrap- Though we couldn't use regular receiving blankets, our son still needed swaddling to keep from startling awake frequently. These velcro fastening swaddle wraps were indespensible. They held him nice and snuggly, but the stretchy cotton material was light and breathable. We used these until he was 3 1/2 months, and only quit then because he began flipping from back to front on his own and tummy sleeping. Definately a recommended product!

  • Crib- I made use of my crib, but if you're co-sleeping you may not feel the need for it. It is always nice to have one if you decide that co-sleeping is not working out. If you can borrow one from a friend or relative, that's a great option. Just make sure that the crib is up to current safety regulations.


  • Boppy Pillow-MUST HAVE! Makes nursing and bottle feeding worlds more comfortable. I used mine until he was about 12 months. Some people argue that regular pillows are just as useful. Nope, not true. Regular pillows will bunch and scoot away from your body as baby nestles close to your tummy. The next thing you know, the pillow is on your knees and baby's on your lap wondering how he fell off of your breast. I loved my boppy- you will too!

  • Lansinoh- Lansinoh cream is a Godsend those first few weeks of nursing. Buy a big tube of that stuff and apply it after every feeding. It doesn't stop your nipples from drying out, cracking, bleeding ect... but it sure makes them feel better after your piranah's been chomping on them.

  • bottle drying rack- I nursed and supplemented. I just dried my bottles on a dish towel early on. You don't need a drying rack, but mine was useful so that the bottles don't knock over if you accidentally brush them.

  • breast pump- Useful if you want to go anywhere without your baby for the first 6 months, but not essential. A cheap manual pump is your best option for these occasional pumps for the babysitter. Medela is a good brand to go with for electric pumps. My Medela single had much more power than my cheaper Lansinoh brand double pump that I got later.

Play and Entertainment

  • Swing- Our son didn't use his swing often, so it was a bit of a waste. That's not to say that subsequent children will not get enjoyment out of it, however. I'd recommend getting a swing, but not a pricey over-the-top one. Colicky babies tend to enjoy the motion, though our own rarely accepted the swing as a suitable alternative to mommy's arms in the glider.

  • Bouncer seat- I did not have one of these with my son, but I do plan on buying one for my next child. It's nice that you can move them easily and keep the little one close- whether in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, or wherever.

  • Pricey plastic toys-Definately, don't waste too much money on these. Infants are as happy chewing on a plastic kitchen spoon as they are on that $15 chewable plastic toy that you found at Babies-R-Us.

Travel Essentials

  • Infant car seat- Though with convertibles accomodating kids from 5 lbs to 100 lbs these days, you don't really need an infant car seat. I would absolutely use one again though. It is sooooo nice to be able to transport sleeping baby from car to house without waking him. Just unlatch the car seat, bring it inside, and put the seat in his crib to let him sleep for another few hours. Heaven :)

  • Baby carriers and wraps- These are indispensible. I used a tummy facing regular soft carrier like this one from the time my son was 6 weeks up until he was about 6 months. At that point it became too much of a back strain. This product was easy to get him in and out of, but just not good for larger babies as there is no real weight distribution across the back. That's when I discovered baby wraps. You don't have to shell out $50 to $100 or more on a brand name like Moby or Maya, either. I used the Ultimate Baby Wrap and still do for my guy. It's lighter material than the Moby, so it is better suited for warm climates, giving a t-shirt type feeling. It's very comfortable, and one of the most affordable wraps at around $30 depending upon what vender you shop.

I guess I've been weeding through my son's outgrown clothes and toys trying to figure out what to box up for next time, what he still uses, and what's ready for the garbage. Babies have so much stuff; they certainly don't need it all. If you can save yourself some money, by all means do it where you can. Baby will be happy playing with balled up aluminum foil and a wooden spoon after all. Is there anything you kick yourself for wasting money on? Or do you really wish you had bought that certain something that you don't have and feel you needed?